
ACEL, Inc. is CRO of Cell-based Assays.

TEL. 042-770-9482

〒252-0131 神奈川県相模原市緑区西橋本 5-4-21
さがみはら産業創造センター SIC-1 1201号室(受付)、1210号室

CRO | Custom-made test of
flow cytometry
Cell-based Assays

Test Outline

The Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX S flow cytometer is
used for analysis.
This is a method of analyzing cells by applying a laser
beam to the cells and detecting fluorescent signals.
It is possible to observe cell specificity by fluorescently
labeling proteins on the cell surface.
This method is particularly effective in blood marker
We can provide custom-made analyses according to
your needs.

Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX S

Equipment used: Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX S

What is flow cytometry?

When cells of various types and properties are
mixed together, a flow cytometer is used to
analyze cells of specific types and properties.

The principle is as follows Fluorescently label a
cell population with an indicator of interest.
For example, if the cells express a protein specific
to that property, the protein is fluorescently
labeled with an antibody.
The cell population is analyzed by measuring
the intensity of the light that passes through
the channel where the laser is irradiated and excited.

It is primarily suitable for the analysis of blood
cells and floating cells.

Flow cytometry in cell-based assays

In cell-based assays, cell populations with and
without added sample are analyzed to determine
the effect of the sample on the cells.
We can also respond to various custom-made

Please feel free to contact us.


ACEL, Inc.

SIC-2 2611,5-4-30
Nishihashimoto, Midori-ku,
Sagamihara, Kanagawa, 252-0131 Japan

